Shad Tail

Shad tail, combination for all predators. It represent body of shad combined with grub tail.

{{filter.SubCLength*1/10}} cm.

Shad Tail {{subcategory.SubCLength/10|number:0}}

Length weight
{{subcategory.SubCLength*1/10}} cm ({{subcategory.SubCLength/25.4 |number:2}} inch) {{subcategory.SubCWeight}}gr ({{subcategory.SubCWeight*.035274 |number:2}} oz)
Packing types {{pakovanje.pakovanjeNaziv}}

Color {{ProductColorTypeName}}


Color: {{pro.ProductColor}}


Shad tail, combination for all predators. It represent body of shad combined with grub tail.

The very name resembles this kind of twister (combination of a fish and a twister). ORKA shad tails are produced as twisters with------ up to twisters with the strongest vibrations. That means they are convenient for fishing perch, catfish and pike. The way of leading this kind of twister is the same as the leading of a shad or twister (stop- move). Depending on the weight of the lead head we may attain the length of our throw as well as the depth and the dropping of the twister. One small suggestion from the producer - DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE SIZE OF THE TWISTER - because we can catch small fish on a big twister and vice versa.


Mose Pijade 30 ,22426 Jarak, Serbia


(+381)22 662 320
(+381)62 460 662